Decentralized systems present a problematic scenario for online and active participation, often leading to low turnout. Therefore, council members can bias the quorum, the number of votes needed and the relative difference between affirmative and non-affirmative votes.
The Edgeware council module will eventually expand to allows 24 individual accounts to hold some exclusive rights over the network with council members having a fixed term of 12 months. At network launch, the number of council members will be thirteen. The council votes on a peer basis, that is, no coin-weighted votes.
Quorum biasing allows the council to change the effective supermajority required to make it easier or more difficult for a proposal to pass in the case that there is no clear majority of voting power backing it or against it. If all council members vote for a proposal, then the required amount of non-council member votes is lessened. The reverse also applies. When the council votes and more than one member dissents, then the quorum is negatively biased.
Council Elections
How Council Members are Selected by the System
The Phragmen method is also used in the council election mechanism. When you vote for council members, you can select up to 16 different candidates, and then place a reserved bond which is the weight of your vote. Phragmen will run once on every election to determine the top candidates to assume council positions and then again amongst the top candidates to equalize the weight of the votes behind them as much as possible.