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Tools and Ecosystem

Chain Interfaces

Polkadot UI

The Polkadot UI is an essential l interface for performing a variety of actions on Edgeware and Substrate-based chains. It will be the primary way that you interact with the Edgeware network, whether that is staking, account transactions, some governance functions, or more.

Secondary to the Polkadot UI is, which combines discussion and polling on-chain with governance and account functions. As Commonwealth is still under development, many instructions on this site will be written for Polkadot UI.


  • Manage accounts, view account info.
  • Send and receive/monitor transactions
  • View chain, block and node info.
  • Conduct staking, democracy, council and treasury actions.
  • View chain state and parameters.
  • Observe extrinsics
  • Upload contracts




This list is provided without endorsement by Commonwealth Labs, the core developers of Edgeware. Using an exchange is at your own risk, and you use should investigate fully the risks and the character of the entity. You can also check CoinGecko for listings.


Nodes and Deployment

Block Explorers

  • Polkadot-JS Apps Explorer - Polkadot dashboard block

    explorer. Currently connects to Kusama by default, but can be configured to connect to other

    remote or local endpoints.

  • Polkascan - Blockchain explorer for Polkadot, Kusama, and other related

    chains. Repo.

  • Subscan - Blockchain explorer for Substrate chains.



Webassembly related tools and projects.

  • ink! - an eDSL to write WebAssembly based smart contracts

    using the Rust programming language.

  • parity-wasm - Low-level WebAssembly format library.

  • wasm-utils - Collection of WASM utilities used in

    pwasm-ethereum and substrate contract development.

  • wasmi - a Wasm interpreter conceived as a component of

    parity-ethereum (ethereum-like contracts in wasm) and substrate.

Smart Contract tooling

  • Halva - a Truffle-inspired local development environment

    for Substrate.

  • Redspot


Grant Programs

API Feeds

Key Generation and Conversion

Node-as-a-Service Providers

These providers have not been vetted by the core development team.

NameLink to Product

The following have announced they intend to develop NAAS.

Network Monitoring & Reporting

  • Polkadot Telemetry Service - Network information including what

    nodes are running the chain, what software versions they are running, sync status, and location.

  • Polkabot - Polkadot network monitoring and reporting using Matrix (Riot / Element) chat. Users may

    create custom bot plugins. Blogpost.

  • Ryabina's Telegram Bot - a Telegram bot for

    monitoring on-chain events of Substrate chains.

    Github Repository

  • PolkaStats - Polkadot network statistics (includes Kusama). Shows

    network information and staking details from validators and intentions.

    Github Repository.

  • Panic - a node monitoring and alerting server for


  • OpenWeb3/Guardian - a CLI tool & JS library to

    monitor on chian states and events.



  • Substrate - Blockchain development platform written in

    Rust. Polkadot is being built on top of Substrate.

  • Substrate Knowledge Base - Comprehensive documentation and

    tutorials for building a blockchain using Substrate.

  • Substrate VSCode plugin.

  • Substrate Debug Kit - A collection of debug

    tools and libraries around substrate chains. Includes tools to calculate NPoS elections offline,

    disk usage monitoring, test templates against chain state and other pallet-specific helper.

  • Diener - a tool for easy changing of Polkadot or Substrate

    dependency versions.

  • Polkadot Launch - a tool to easily launch

    custom local parachain-enabled Polkadot versions.

  • Halva - a Truffle-inspired local development environment

    for Substrate.

  • Fork-off Substrate - copies the state of an

    existing chain into your local version and lets you further experiment on it.

  • srtool - a tool for verifying runtime versions against

    on-chain proposal hashes.

  • sub-bench - a tool to spam your node with transactions for

    the sake of benchmarking.

  • substrate-devhub-utils - a set of

    JavaScript utilities making life with Substrate a little easier.



Polkadot-JS Common

Polkadot-JS Common provides various utility functions that are used across all projects in the @polkadot namespace and is split into a number of internal utility packages. The documentation and usage instructions are provided at Polkadot-JS/Common API Documentation.

  • @polkadot/keyring To create / load accounts in

    JavaScript, helpful for creating wallets or any application that will require the user to write to

    chain. Examples.

  • @polkadot/util Utility functions like checking if a string

    is hex-encoded.

  • @polkadot/util-crypto Crypto utilities that will

    come in handy while developing with Polkadot.

CLI Tools


Webassembly related tools and projects.

  • ink! - an eDSL to write WebAssembly based smart contracts

    using the Rust programming language.

  • parity-wasm - Low-level WebAssembly format library.

  • wasm-utils - Collection of WASM utilities used in

    pwasm-ethereum and substrate contract development.

  • wasmi - a Wasm interpreter conceived as a component of

    parity-ethereum (ethereum-like contracts in wasm) and substrate.

RPC and API Tools


The SCALE (Simple Concatenated Aggregate Little-Endian) Codec is a lightweight, efficient, binary serialization and deserialization codec.

It is designed for high-performance, copy-free encoding and decoding of data in resource-constrained execution contexts, like the Substrate runtime. It is not self-describing in any way and assumes the decoding context has all type knowledge about the encoded data.

It is used in almost all communication to/from Substrate nodes, so implementations in different languages exist:

Data Crawling and Conversion

The following tools help you extract and structure data from a Substrate node.