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Docker Image

These are the steps to make a Docker image for an Edgeware node

  1. in the Dockerfile in the root directory make sure that at the top you are using FROM paritytech/ci-linux:production as builder otherwise, it will not build.

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  1. Run command docker build . Then it will start building it will take a while about 30minutes.
  2. Make sure you have a docker hub account and that you are signed in on the docker app
  3. Once it is completed rename the image by running docker images to check for the image id then run the command image tag <image id> <your-name>/edgeware-node:v3.3.3 this will rename it once you are happy with the name to push to docker hub run command docker push <your-name>/edgeware-node:v3.3.3


If the above image failed to compile edgeware-cli, then it's because your machine doesn't have enough memory, or your docker doesn't have enough memory available. Try and increase Docker's available memory by a few notches, by going to Docker Desktop settings.